For a while now, I’ve kept a close eye on Framer. It’s a prototyping tool (based in Amsterdam) and is one of the startups that is trying to make the design handoff easier and bring development closer to design and vice versa.

Over on their website they have this beautiful pattern library, so I was hoping to not get my hands dirty and copy and paste some of those examples in the project I was working on. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any drop in examples but luckily there was an example of something that came pretty close - the image carousel which I’ll tweak a bit to fit my use case and learn more about framer motion.

Lets have a look at the code of the image carousel component

That’s exactly what I need, I only need to add the tab indicator, tweak the pagination behaviour a bit and instead of using images display components. So lets have a look at what we see here:

  • variants - Variants are a declarative way to orchestrate complex animations throughout a component tree. By providing multiple components with a variants object with visual states of the same name, they can all be animated in sync by the switch of a single animate prop.
  • AnimatePresence - Animate components when they’re removed from the React tree.
  • motion.img - motion component’s flexible animate property.

With a few small tweaks, we have something that comes pretty close:

CSS tweaks

First change Example.js, make file tabs.tsx and export some dummy content with a title and a body:

// tabs.tsx
export const tabs = [
  { title: 'A', body: <p>A</p> },
  { title: 'B', body: <p>B</p> },
  { title: 'C', body: <p>C</p> },

Our animated tabs will use a different header instead of the arrows so we can remove the arrows, and add the heading in the AnimateSharedLayout to enable layout animations between the components that share layoutId underLine as they’re added/removed so that it appears to slide between the headings.

  <ul className="tabs-header">
    {{ title }, i) => (
        onClick={() => {
          // set page and determine which direction we're going
          console.log("we are on page", page, "and want to go to", i);
          setPage([i, i - page]);
        {i === page && (
          <motion.div className="underline" layoutId="underline" />
    <AnimatePresence initial={false} custom={direction}>

And instead of changing an images source, we render some content based on page’s index in a section element:

<AnimatePresence initial={false} custom={direction}>

then we need to update our css, to style our heading bar, target our section as a body instead of an image, and remove some old styles

section {
  position: absolute;
  max-width: 100vw;